Sinus Graft Post-Operative

DO NOT DISTURB WOUND: In doing so you may invite infection and bleeding.

BLEEDING: You have been discharged with no bleeding. You may have slight oozing for the next 24 hours. Your normal amount of saliva will pick up some of the red blood cells from the incision line and may give the impression that you are bleeding. Keep head elevated for the 1st 7 days; and get plenty of rest. Prop pillows next to your head to keep from rolling over and displacing graft.

DO NOT rinse your mouth or brush your teeth today. Definitely avoid blowing your nose for two weeks after surgery. Blowing the nose creates negative pressure. Coughing or sneezing should be done with an open mouth so as not to put pressure on the surgical site.

PAIN: Take 3 Advil, Motrin or Ibuprofen (total of 600 mg.) if tolerated, every 4 hours for the first 48 hours to reduce inflammation. (NOT TO EXCEED 3200 mg in a 24 HR PERIOD.) Make sure you have something in your stomach at least 30 minutes before taking any pain medication. Yogurt is the best prior to the pain medication. If you have been given a prescription for pain medication, have it filled and take as directed. These medications can be taken together. If this stronger medication causes nausea or a rash, discontinue use and call our office.

WARNING: Do not drive or operate mechanical equipment while taking pain medication. If you experience severe pain even after taking medication, call our office for instructions.

SWELLING: Do expect some swelling or bruising to occur after surgery. Apply an ice pack to the side of the mouth operated on for 30 minutes on and off. If you experience an increase in swelling accompanied by fever and redness call the office right away.

DIET: A soft or liquid diet is recommended for at least the first 24 hours. Drink as much fluids as you can for the next 3 days especially if you fasted prior to surgery. Resume your normal diet as soon as possible. Do not use a straw to drink fluids. Any sucking or drawing motion creates negative pressure and may cause pain and discomfort.


NAUSEA: This may be caused by swallowing blood or taking pain pills on an empty stomach. For relief, ginger ale may be sipped slowly every 15 minutes for 6 hours. In addition, 1 saltine or other bland cracker may then be taken with the ginger ale. If nausea persists discontinue the pain medication prescribed and substitute plain Tylenol or Aspirin. Also avoid taking medication without having some food in your stomach.

* Listerine mouth rinse should be used 4 times a day (hold in mouth for one minute then spit) for 10 days to reduce the chance of infection.

* Start Afrin nasal spray 1 hour prior to surgery then (2 squirts in nostril) twice a day for 10-14 days. And Sudafed (30-60mg) 4 times a day for 10-14 days.

* If given a prescription for antibiotics please take as directed.

*Please note small granules may come out through incisions or nostrils.

Should problems develop, or if you have any questions, please call our office – (650) 948-6505.