Special Instructions for Sinus Openings

The back teeth of the upper jaw are usually close to the maxillary sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are airfilled cavities behind your cheekbones and beneath your eyes. An occasional complication of removing upper molar (back) teeth is an opening of the sinus floor.

These instructions have been given to you because your Maxillary Sinuses are involved. This means there is an opening between the mouth and the sinus, as a result of either a tooth extraction or some other form of oral surgery. Most openings will heal spontaneously as long as the following instructions are strictly adhered to after the surgery:

These instructions will help you to obtain better healing, however, if:

1. The OPENING into your sinus cavity is extremely large

2. Your sinus was previously infected, or

3. You had a sinus condition prior to your surgery, you may have a persistent opening from the sinus to your mouth and may require future surgery or treatments


• Do NOT blow your nose for two weeks. There is a natural communication between your nose and sinus. Any positive pressure in your nose will be directly transferred to the sinus and subsequently to the opening that is trying to heal. If you feel “stuffed up”, decongestants such as Drixoral, Dimetapp, or Sudafed will help reduce pressure in the sinuses. Afrin nasal spray may be used if nose drops have not been prescribed.

• Do NOT drink through a straw for two weeks. The use of a straw causes a negative pressure which will lead to breakdown of the fresh extraction site.

• Do NOT smoke for two to three weeks. Smoke in your mouth, nose, and sinus will retard healing and REDUCE your chance of an uneventful repair.

* Smoking has a much more profound effect on oral wounds than it does on any other part of the body, since the effect of the smoke is in direct contact with the healing wound. Poor healing and breakdown of the wound are much more prevalent in smokers than in nonsmokers.

• If you need to sneeze, please do so as was demonstrated to you. Keep your mouth open, so the all the air comes out through your mouth, much like a cough. This will avoid pressure in the sinus and avoid doing damage to the opening or to the repaired site.

• Under no circumstances, do not sneeze holding your nose. The generated pressure must be released before it gets transmitted to your sinuses.

• Anything that causes pressure in your nasal cavity must be avoided. Avoid “bearing down”—as when lifting heavy objects. Do not blow up balloons, play a musical instruments that require a blowing action or any do and other activity that increases nasal or oral pressure. Flying, driving to high altitudes, and scuba diving will also increase sinus pressure and should be avoided.

• AVOID heavy exercise, swimming, or any activity that would increase your breathing rate and/or blood pressure for at least 10 days.

• DO NOT RINSE your mouth for the first 36 hours. After that time be extremely gentle. Have a full liquid diet the first day followed by a very soft diet for the next 3 days. Chew on the opposite side for the next 2 weeks. Drink a glass of water after any meal to help keep your mouth clean.

• Sleep in a more upright position for the next 3 days.

• Take your prescription(s) as directed.

• Some intermittent nose bleeding from the side of the surgery is a normal occurrence. Please do not be alarmed.

• Failure to adhere to these instructions could result in a permanent persistent opening (fistula) between your mouth and your sinus. This would require an additional surgery that would incur further cost and recovery time. Prevention is always the most prudent option.

• Follow up appointments in our office are especially important, so please keep them.

• Should problems develop, or if you have any questions, please call our office 650-948-6505.